What is ‘Home’

I think one saying that has always stuck with me other the years is “away is great but home is best” (but for me it’s the swedish version in my mums voice “borta bra men hemma bäst”)

And it’s something that I’ve come to realise a lot now when I’ve been away, but what I’ve always thought the saying meant is now something completely different to me.

Home. What does that even mean? Is it where you were born? Where you grew up? Where your family and friends are? For me all those things are amazing, and I don’t want to take for granted the fact that I’m lucky enough to have the option of calling all these places home. But ultimately, home to me is not a physical place anymore. Even before I came on this trip, every chance I could I’d try and head off to explore new places. I crave it.

And travelling to Asia was completely new. It was hectic and beautiful and unlike anywhere I’ve ever been. I met so many incredible people and i feel so inspired by their attitude to life. It was an insight into a whole new culture and its made me want to visit all corners of the globe if I can. It was away, and it was pretty fucking great.

But it didn’t feel like home.

And deep down, I know what ‘home’ is. It’s not a place, it’s a feeling.

For me it’s the feeling I get when we pull up in the little parking space by the cabin in Norway and I know that for the next few days i can wander in the trees, take photos just because I love it and i don’t have to think about leaving. Or the moment after I sat down with my luke warm hot chocolate when we’d just spent the morning climbing to a little lighthouse on the edge of the world. Its when we’re lost somewhere and driving down distant roads but refuse to actually use a map because we don’t really care that we’re lost. It’s when I get to fall asleep next to him in this goofy little van with curtains that look like tea towels and wine glasses that we’ll just leave to clean in the morning.

The mountains, the cold air, the big jumpers and woolly socks, the infinite stars in the night sky and waking up without ever setting an alarm.

This is home for me.

Written by Frida


  1. Anne Thompson
    June 1, 2018

    Love it! Keep on writing.
    “Home” is where I am at the time!

    1. Frida and Leo
      June 1, 2018

      Thankyou Anne! We’ve been trying to keep journals of all our thoughts which is such a lovely way to remember what we get up to! Then it’s just getting them onto here which we are sometimes a bit slow at! But that’s so good, glad you’re well!


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